The BioSAXS beamline is a highly automated beamline dedicated to the study of proteins, macromolecular complexes, viruses etc., in solution. Samples can be investigated under various conditions (temperature, buffer, pH, kinetics) in a high-throughput manner or a HPLC unit can be used for in-situ (online) purification.
- Life Sciences
- Chemistry
- Medicine
- Structural biology
- Pharmaceuticals
BioSAXS - small-angle X-ray scattering (proteins/DNA)
SAXS - small-angle X-ray scattering
Beam size
- Minimum (H x V) : 50.0
x 50.0
Maximum (H x V) : 2.0
x 1.0
Sample environments
- Quartz capillary as a part of automated sample changer allowing temperature variations (from 4 to 60°C)
- HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) system can be used in parallel with sample changer
Pernot P., Theveneau P., Giraud T., Nogueira Fernandes R., Nurizzo D., Spruce D., Surr J., McSweeney S., Round A., Felisaz F., Foedinger L., Gobbo A., Huet J., Villard C. and Cipriani F., "New beamline dedicated to solution scattering from biological macromolecules at the ESRF", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 247 (2010) 012009-1-012009-8.
Rabies virus phosphoprotein exhibits thermoresponsive phase separation with a lower critical solution temperature
Bouchama F., Mubashira K., Mas C., Le Roy A., Ebel C., Bourhis J., Zemb T., Prévost S., Jamin M.,
Journal of Molecular Biology 437, 168889-1-168889-25 (2025)
Time-resolved X-ray solution scattering unveils the events leading to hemoglobin heme capture by staphylococcal IsdB
De Bei O., Marchetti M., Guglielmo S., Gianquinto E., Spyrakis F., Campanini B., Bettati S., Levantino M., Ronda L.,
Nature Communications 16, 1361-1-1361- (2025)
An albumin unfolding and refolding cycle induced by a time-controlled pH jump
Del Giudice A., Del Giudice D., Spatola E., Alemanno V., Galantini L., Di Stefano S.,
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 23, 118-125 (2025)
Unraveling the molecular grammar and the structural transitions underlying the fibrillation of a viral fibrillogenic domain
Gondelaud F., Leval J., Arora L., Walimbe A., Bignon C., Ptchelkine D., Brocca S., Mukhopadyay S., Longhi S.,
Protein Science 34, e70068-1-e70068-17 (2025)
Colistin does not self-assemble at physiologically relevant conditions
Koynarev V.R., Vogelaar T.D., Moqadam M., Reuter N., Lund R.,
Colloid and Interface Science Communications 65, 100824-1-100824-14 (2025)
Nanobodies against the myelin enzyme CNPase as tools for structural and functional studies
Markússon S., Raasakka A., Schröder M., Sograte-Idrissi S., Rahimi A., Asadpour O., Korner H., Lodygin D., Eichel-Vogel Maria A., Chowdhury R., Sutinen A., Muruganandam G., Iyer M., Cooper Madeline H., Weigel Maya K., Ambiel N., Werner Hauke B., Zuchero J. Bradley, Opazo F., Kursula P.,
Journal of Neurochemistry 169, e16274-1-e16274-25 (2025)
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