The Brookhaven imgCIF / CBF Workshop
The first imgCIF / CBF workshop took place at the Brookhaven National
Laboratory 20-22nd October 1997.
Thanks are due to Bob Sweet, Ann Emrick, John Skinner, and to the
Brookhaven National Laboratory for organizing a very successful
In the photo, from left to right, then from top to bottom (the preferred
imgCIF / CBF rastering order !) are:
- Andy Hammersley: ESRF
- Macolm Capel: Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Yves Epelboin: Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
- Jim Pflugrath: Molecular Structure Corporation
- David Brown: McMaster University
- John Westbrook: Rutgers University
- Brian McMahon: IUCr Chester
- Paul Ellis: Standford Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Nick Spadaccini: University of Western Australia
- John Skinner: Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Chris Nielson: Area Dectector Systems, Inc.
- Jim Fait: IMCA / IIT
- Paula Fitzgerald: Merck Research Laboratories
- Marian Szebenyi: MacCHESS
- Bob Sweet: Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Andy Howard: IMCA / IIT
- Przemek Klosowski: NIST
Also attending the workshop, but not present in the photograph were:
- Enrique Abola: Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Frances Bernstein: Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Herbert Bernstein: Bernstein & Sons
- Dan Frankel: The Nonius Company
- Zbyszek Otwinowski: University of Texas
- Mark Presspich: Bruker Analytical X-Ray Systems Inc.