Dates: 11, 12, 13 January 2010


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Organizers: V.A. Solé and A. Götz 

Workshop Office: A.F. Maydew, C. Madonna


Final agenda

Venue: ESRF Grenoble



  • Bring together scientists and software developers to find solutions to data format issues from the data analysis point of view,

  • Put in common different algorithms for analyzing hyper-spectral data to see how they could be extended to different techniques,

  • Find the most suitable ways to exchange data based on the type of analysis to be performed,

  • Do hands-on coding for the implementation and/or testing of discussed approaches, ranging from the data format to the analysis algorithms.

  • The aim of the workshop is not to define how data should be stored at acquisition time or for long-term archival. However, there are several overlapping issues and at least the first morning of the workshop will most likely be dedicated to present and discuss HDF5 and NeXus.