
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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    Macros motors to control KEITHLEY current source K6221 through GPIB
    Configure first a macro motor controller with DEVICE field set to string "k6221" and ADDR field set to the full GPIB address where the controller can be reached (ex: "0:12"). Therefore there must be ONE macro motor controller per K6221
    Then configure a motor using the previous controller, the "channel" is used to select what to control. 0 for "output current" and 1 for "compliance voltage"
    The unit of "current" motor will be amps and the unit of "voltage" motor will be volts.

    Usage: k6221cmd motor command
    Send the given command to the controller associate to the given motor and print out the answer if there is one.
    Ex: k6221cmd m0 *IDN?

    Usage: k6221on motor
    Switch on output of the controller associate with given motor.

    Usage: k6221off motor
    Switch off output of the controller associate with given motor.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: k6221_config ()
    Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: k6221_cmd ()
    Called by spec on motor operation.

    Usage: _k6221_error_clear (addr)
    Clear any previous error

    Usage: _k6221_error_print (addr, msg, silent)
    Retrieve current error and print it out with the optional given message except if silent has be requiered. Returns non null if there was an error pending.

    Usage: _k6221_onoff (mne, state)
    Control controller output for the given motor.

    Usage: _k6221_cmd (addr, command)
    Send the given command to the controller given by its address and returns the answer if there is one. Otherwise returns an empty string.

Filename: k6221.mac
Author: MP BLISS (Original 9/2015).
$Revision: 1.0 $ / $Date: 2015/09/18 06:17:06 $
Last mod.: 18/09/2015 08:17 by perez