Device Server

Control of the N354 clock module for libera BPM
Properties Description

BpmLiberaClock Class

Revision: - Author: anatoly.kolozhvari

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
DeviceIP Tango::DEV_STRING IP-address or name of the N354 module
N354Port Tango::DEV_LONG TCP/IP port of the N354 device to create a socket connection
RF_value Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Value of the radio frequency of the SR (MHz). It is used by the device server to convert absolute time (like seconds or microseconds) into internal units of the N354 (which is the RF period).
FPGA_file_name Tango::DEV_STRING Full file name of the FPGA image file. The file is downloaded into N354 FPGA during initialisation of the device by the server.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
DeviceIP No default value
N354Port 5001
RF_value 352.2
FPGA_file_name /opt/dserver/common/FPGA-bin/N354/n354mbpm.bit

There is no Class properties.

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