Device Server

multibunch feedback
Properties Description

MultiBunchFeed Class

Revision: - Author: chaize

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
LiberaDevice Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the TANGO LIberaAccess device on which the FPGA program runs
Parameter_offset Tango::DEV_LONG offset of the first parameter in the libera
Acquisition_offset Tango::DEV_LONG Offset of the acquisition data
FirCoefNumber Tango::DEV_SHORT number of Fir coefficients. usually 7 for vertical and 8 for horizontal
Config_file_base_path Tango::DEV_STRING This is 'root' file base path. This string will be concatenated with parameter of loadConfigFile command, to obtain an absolute filename.
PLLDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING The device name of the associated PLL.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
LiberaDevice sr/d-mfdbk/libera1
Parameter_offset 2048
Acquisition_offset 4096
FirCoefNumber 7
Config_file_base_path /operation/operator/s700/tune/libera_config
PLLDeviceName No default value

There is no Class properties.

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