Device Server

Properties Description

MultiChannelEmittance Class

Revision: - Author: vedder

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
XemittanceDeviceList Array of string This is the list of Device of Xemittance that will be read for average XEmittance computation. This property is mapped on the XDeviceList and is updated on XDeviceList write.
ZemittanceDeviceList Array of string This is the list of Device of Zemittance that will be read for average ZEmittance computation. This property is mapped on the ZDeviceList and is updated on ZDeviceList write.
FullXemittanceDeviceList Array of string This is the exhaustive list of device from which X emittances could be read. This is not the list of device which are used to calculate average emittance (XEmittanceDeviceList is). This property is mapped on FullZDeviceList attribute.
FullZemittanceDeviceList Array of string This is the exhaustive list of device from which Z emittances could be read. This is not the list of device which are used to calculate average emittance (ZEmittanceDeviceList is). This property is mapped on FullZDeviceList attribute.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
XemittanceDeviceList No default value
ZemittanceDeviceList No default value
FullXemittanceDeviceList No default value
FullZemittanceDeviceList No default value

There is no Class properties.

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