Device Server

Multibunch phase control
Properties Description

MultibunchPLL Class

Revision: - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Delay1DeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING
Delay2DeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING
GainSelectDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING
PLLDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING
OnOffAttrName Tango::DEV_STRING
PhaseShifterVoltageAttrName Tango::DEV_STRING
PhaseLoopSetpointAttrName Tango::DEV_STRING
LimitHighAttrName Tango::DEV_STRING
LimitLowAttrName Tango::DEV_STRING
GainLevelOutput1AttrName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the attribute #1 corresponding to the output dedicated to the control of the gain.
GainLevelOutput2AttrName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the attribute #2 corresponding to the output dedicated to the control of the gain.
SynchroModeDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the device associated to the synchro mode.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Delay1DeviceName No default value
Delay2DeviceName No default value
GainSelectDeviceName No default value
PLLDeviceName No default value
OnOffAttrName No default value
PhaseShifterVoltageAttrName No default value
PhaseLoopSetpointAttrName No default value
LimitHighAttrName No default value
LimitLowAttrName No default value
GainLevelOutput1AttrName No default value
GainLevelOutput2AttrName No default value
SynchroModeDeviceName No default value

There is no Class properties.

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