Device Server

Diamond monochromator for ID14-3
Properties Description

DiamondID14eh3 Class

Revision: DiamondID14eh3-Release_3_0 - Author: meyer

Class Properties
Property name
Property type
Standard_energy Tango::DEV_DOUBLE standard energy in Ev

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Tilt_motor_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the tilt motor device
Theta_motor_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the theta motor device
Hpos_motor_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the horizontal position motor device
Crystal_motor_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the motor device for the crystal change axe
Wago_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the pin diode jack relay device
Pindiode_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the pindiode adc reading device
Digital_in1_module Tango::DEV_SHORT
Digital_in2_module Tango::DEV_SHORT
Digital_out_module Tango::DEV_SHORT number of the digital output wago module used for the jack control
Waterflow_module Tango::DEV_SHORT number of the frequency counter wago module used for the waterflow measure
Tilt1_enc_module Tango::DEV_SHORT number of the SSI wago module used to read the first absolute encoder for the tilt
Tilt2_enc_module Tango::DEV_SHORT number of the SSI wago module used to read the 2nd encoder of the tilt
Crystal_temp_module Tango::DEV_SHORT number of the thermocouple wago module used for measuring the crystals temperature
Water_temp_module Tango::DEV_SHORT number of the wago module used to measure the temperature
Bragg_temp_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel of the bragg crystal thermocouple
Laue_temp_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel of the laue crystal thermocouple
Waterin_temp_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT
Waterout_temp_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT
Screen_cmd_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel of the command for inserting the fluorescent screen
Diode_cmd_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel of the command for inserting the pin diode
Standard_energy Tango::DEV_DOUBLE standard energy in Ev
Interatomic Tango::DEV_DOUBLE interatomic distance of the crystal. the default value for the diamond 111 = 2.059 Angstrom the wavelength in angstrom = 2 interatomic sin (theta). theta = arcsin
Laue_pos Tango::DEV_DOUBLE central position of the laue crystal
Bragg_pos Tango::DEV_DOUBLE central position of the bragg crystal
PulsePerLiter Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of pulse per liter
Tilt2_motor_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the 2nd motor for the tilt control
Platinium_inflexion Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Value of the last calibrated platinium infexion point.

Class Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values</td>
Standard_energy No default value

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Tilt_motor_name No default value
Theta_motor_name No default value
Hpos_motor_name No default value
Crystal_motor_name No default value
Wago_name No default value
Pindiode_name No default value
Digital_in1_module No default value
Digital_in2_module No default value
Digital_out_module No default value
Waterflow_module No default value
Tilt1_enc_module No default value
Tilt2_enc_module No default value
Crystal_temp_module No default value
Water_temp_module No default value
Bragg_temp_channel No default value
Laue_temp_channel No default value
Waterin_temp_channel No default value
Waterout_temp_channel No default value
Screen_cmd_channel No default value
Diode_cmd_channel No default value
Standard_energy No default value
Interatomic No default value
Laue_pos No default value
Bragg_pos No default value
PulsePerLiter No default value
Tilt2_motor_name No default value
Platinium_inflexion No default value

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