Device Server

TANGO Device Server
Properties Description

HqpsAlarm Class

Revision: rtag - Author: goudard

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Devices Tango::DEVVAR_STRINGARRAY List of low-level devices used to build global state
Message Tango::DEV_STRING The email message
From Tango::DEV_STRING The email From field
To Tango::DEVVAR_STRINGARRAY The email To field
Subject Tango::DEV_STRING The email subject
Threshold Tango::DEV_DOUBLE The threshold triggering the ALARM
Hysteresis Tango::DEV_LONG The hysteresis factor to be applied threshold to re-enable sending a mail related to a sub-device after one has been already sent
Attribute Tango::DEV_STRING The attribute name used to trigger the alarm

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Devices No default value
Message No default value
From dserver@esrf.fr
To dserver@esrf.fr
Subject Alarm on machine
Threshold 0.0
Hysteresis 50
Attribute NoName

There is no Class properties.

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