Device Server

Hqps Alarm Manager
Properties Description

HqpsAlarm Class

Revision: tata - Author: goudard

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
TemperatureThreshold Tango::DEV_FLOAT Temperature Alarm Threshold
Storage_vibThreshold Tango::DEV_FLOAT StorageVibration Alarm Threshold
PressureThreshold Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Pressure Alarm Threshold.
Voice_state Tango::DEV_SHORT Tell if messages must be sent to the speaker (0 or 1
Voice_fault_message Tango::DEV_STRING Message sent to the speaker when the global state is FAULT
Voice_warning_message Tango::DEV_STRING Message sent to the speaker when the global state is ALARM
Inhibited Tango::DEV_SHORT Return true if there are some inhibited devices in the list.
PressureThershold_KS_running Tango::DEV_SHORT Pressure Thershold while KS is running is different from Pressure Thershold while KS is on.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
TemperatureThreshold No default value
Storage_vibThreshold No default value
PressureThreshold No default value
Voice_state No default value
Voice_fault_message No default value
Voice_warning_message No default value
Inhibited No default value
PressureThershold_KS_running No default value

There is no Class properties.

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