Device Server

TANGO Device Server
Properties Description

PowerConsumption Class

Revision: releasetag - Author: goudard

Class Properties
Property name
Property type
GegIntegrationTime Tango::DEV_LONG Time on which we have to integrate power consumption in sec.
ModbusDevName Tango::DEV_STRING PLC Modbus device name

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
GegIntegrationTime Tango::DEV_LONG Time on which we have to integrate power consumption in sec.
ModbusDevName Tango::DEV_STRING PLC Modbus device name
ProcessAdr Tango::DEV_LONG Adress of the Process line power tops delta time
FacilityAdr Tango::DEV_LONG Address of the facility line power tops delta time
EsrfAdr Tango::DEV_LONG Address of the Esrf power tops delta time
Top10MinsAdr Tango::DEV_LONG Address of the 10 mins top data in PLC
MaxTop10MinsNumber Tango::DEV_LONG Maximum number of GEG 10 mins top date returned by the attribute Geg10MinsTopDate
Energy10MinsProcessAdr Tango::DEV_LONG EnergyConsumed over 10 minuts between 2 top GEG on Process
Energy10MinsFacilityAdr Tango::DEV_LONG EnergyConsumed over 10 minuts between 2 top GEG on Facility
Energy10MinsEsrfAdr Tango::DEV_LONG EnergyConsumed over 10 minuts between 2 top GEG on ESRF

Class Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values</td>
GegIntegrationTime 10
ModbusDevName No default value

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
GegIntegrationTime 10
ModbusDevName No default value
ProcessAdr 0
FacilityAdr 0
EsrfAdr 0
Top10MinsAdr 0
MaxTop10MinsNumber No default value
Energy10MinsProcessAdr No default value
Energy10MinsFacilityAdr No default value
Energy10MinsEsrfAdr No default value

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