Hqps Alarm Manager
Device Description

Revision: 1.4 - Author: O. Goudard

Hqps Alarm is a tango device server. It calls three taco devices named :

sys/d-pressure/hqps, the server to measure air pressure in each HQPS cells.
sys/d-vdsp71/hqps_vib, the server to measure vibrations on alternators of each KS.
sys/ip-thermo/hqps, the server to measure turbo and clutches temperatures of each KS.

First, Hqps Alarm imports these devices and checks their status. After that, it retrieves all data of temperature, vibrations, pressure and compare them to a thershold level. If one of the returned values is greater than thersholds, HqpsAlarm turns to orange (Alarm state).

HQPSINFRA is orange : (Alarm state)

sys/d-pressure/hqps returns a value greater than pressure thershold (20 Pa), HqpsAlarm turns to orange and a message is displayed by double-clicking on HQPSINFR in Mstatus application.The message looks like :

“KSxx under pressure :”
”Open HqpsMaint and check pressure.”

sys/d-vdsp71/hqps_vib returns a value greater than vibration thershold (3 m/s²), HqpsAlarm turns to orange and a message is displayed by double-clicking on HQPSINFR in Mstatus application. The message looks like :

“KSxx under pressure :”
”Open HqpsMaint and vibration level.”

sys/ip-thermo/hqps returns a value greater than temperature thershold (80ºC), HqpsAlarm turns to orange and a message is displayed by double-clicking on HQPSINFR in Mstatus application. The message looks like :

“KSxx temperature Alarm :”
”Open HqpsMaint and check Clutch temperatures.”

If one of these parameters is really greater than thersholds in HqpsMaint, call the callable on HQPS.

HQPSINFRA is grey : (Unknown state)

It should be one of the three TACO device servers which doesn't answer to dev_putget() or dc_devget() method.

            These three starters are named :


                        pressure.startup : to restart sys/d-pressure/hqps
                        vdsp71.startup : to restart sys/d-vdsp71/hqps_vib
                        IP_thermo.startup : to restart sys/ip-thermo/hqps


These devices are running on VME040 located in HQPS. Try to restart them.


If it doesn’t work, try to restart HqpsAlarm by using Astor (Tango devices manager). HqpsAlarm is currently running on gizmo.


HQPSINFRA is white : (OFF state)


Importing of a taco device was not ok. Check the status of this device and restart it with Astor if necessary.


HQPSINFRA is green : (ON state)


Everything is ok.