Device Server

Gesdac2b single channel DAC
Properties Description

Gesdac2b Class

Revision: Gesdac2b-Release_1_0_0 - Author: bourtemb

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
BoardAddress Tango::DEV_STRING Base Address of Gesdac2b board. must begin with 0x
Channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel possible values are 0 -> 7
Range Tango::DEV_SHORT range for output values Possible values for range are : 1 = DAC_STANDARD_RANGE : 0V to 10V 2 = DAC_MEDIUM_RANGE : -5V to +5V 3 = DAC_LARGE_RANGE : -10V to +10V
Fbus_pathname Tango::DEV_STRING Field bus pathname ex: /dev/cfb1
Fbus_nodenum Tango::DEV_SHORT Field bus node number.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
BoardAddress 0x000
Channel 0
Range 1
Fbus_pathname /dev/cfb0
Fbus_nodenum 1

There is no Class properties.

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