Device Server

control of cryogenic loop
Properties Description

CryoCtrl Class

Revision: - Author: chaize

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
T_supply_adcname Tango::DEV_STRING name of the Wagoadc tango device used to build the Tsupply attribute
T_return_adcname Tango::DEV_STRING name of the Wagoadc tango device used to build the Treturn attribute
P_supply_adcname Tango::DEV_STRING name of the Wagoadc tango device used to build the Psupply attribute
P_return_adcname Tango::DEV_STRING name of the Wagoadc tango device used to build the Preturn attribute
Power_factor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE extracted power = deltaT * deltaP * power_factor
Averaging Tango::DEV_LONG number of point to average.
DeltaPREF Tango::DEV_DOUBLE reference temperature difference. It enters in the extracted power calculation as follow: Power = sqrt(DeltaP/DeltaPREF) * DeltaT * power_factor
DeltaT0 Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Temperature difference for an extracted power of 0.0 watt

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
T_supply_adcname id/id6-cryo/t-supply
T_return_adcname id/id6-cryo/t-return
P_supply_adcname id/id6-cryo/p-supply
P_return_adcname id/id6-cryo/p-return
Power_factor 1
Averaging 1
DeltaPREF 0.49
DeltaT0 1.25

There is no Class properties.

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