Device Servers

Generic CUB device server
Device Description

Cubds Class

Revision: - Author:

The device handled by this server is the entire CUB board.
It allows to access the IMBs and OMBs registers of the AMCC chip used as C-PCI interface of the CUB card.

At startup the default values of the IMBs registers are taken in the database and puts in the IMBs registers.
Also the xilinx filename to load into the embedded FPGA is taken into the database.

At first startup all the resources are created within the database with default values and needs to be tuned
afterward. Some of them can also be changed with the WriteCUBxxx() commands if required.

The server is organised with a main part which allows the communication with the clients and also
a thread part which read permantly the IMB4 register of the CUB card and latches the error bits in
the status register. When the status register is read the latched conditions are reset.

The IMB4 CUB's status register must be organised as follow:
- Bits 0..3: Overflow bits
- Bits 4..15: Not treated
- Bits 16..23: Internal counter used for synchronising the data
- Bits 24..31: Not treated

Tango Device Server User's Guide

(c) ESRF - Software Engineering Group