Device Server

Generic CUB device server
Properties Description

Cubds Class

Revision: - Author: epaud

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
OMB2 Tango::DEV_LONG Default value of OMB2. Default value is set to 0.
OMB3 Tango::DEV_LONG Default value of OMB3. Default value is set to 0.
OMB4 Tango::DEV_LONG Default value of OMB4.Default value is set to 0.
OMB1 Tango::DEV_LONG Default value of OMB1. Default value is set to 0.
Devicename Tango::DEV_STRING CUB device name. Default value is set to '/dev/cubdev1
Virtexfilename Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the virtex file to be loaded on the FPGA.
The default is set to 'unknow' and the server breaks if this resource
is not set.
Virtexfilepath Tango::DEV_STRING Filepath where to find the virtex file.
The default value is to '.
DebugFlag Tango::DEV_LONG Original value of the debug bit field used for printout.
PollingFrequency Tango::DEV_DOUBLE IMB4 CUB's status register polling frequency in Hz. Be carrefull to not ask
a too high value which will not be possible to reach by the driver.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
OMB2 No default value
OMB3 No default value
OMB4 No default value
OMB1 No default value
Devicename No default value
Virtexfilename No default value
Virtexfilepath No default value
DebugFlag No default value
PollingFrequency No default value

There is no Class properties.

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