Device Server

id14 eh3 control
Properties Description

Wagojacks Class

Revision: Wagojacks-Release_2_1 - Author: chaize

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Wago_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the wago device
Output_module Tango::DEV_SHORT index of the wago module 750-504 to command the jack
Output Tango::DEV_SHORT channel on th output module to command the jack
Input_module Tango::DEV_SHORT index of the wago module 750-402 on which the end switches are connected
Offlimit_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel on which the in_limit is connected
Onlimit_channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel on which the outlimit switch is connected

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Wago_name No default value
Output_module No default value
Output No default value
Input_module No default value
Offlimit_channel No default value
Onlimit_channel No default value

There is no Class properties.

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