Device Server

eleta encoder driving
Properties Description

Encoder Class

Revision: Encoder-Release_1_1 - Author: penel

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Direction Tango::DEV_SHORT The rotation direction ( +1 or -1
Line Tango::DEV_STRING serial line device name ex : " id/ser/i7
Max_char_in_buff Tango::DEV_SHORT The Max number of caractere allowed in the serial line buffer. If this number is reach then the encoder goes in FAULT state. Status signal Buffer OVERLOAD
Pos_at_ref Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Position at reference in mm ( ex 480 ; this position is the position return when the encoder return step_at_ref
Steps_at_ref Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of step read at ref position ( ex typical 500000
Steps_by_unit Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of encoder steps for a unit (ex : 10000

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Direction No default value
Line No default value
Max_char_in_buff No default value
Pos_at_ref No default value
Steps_at_ref No default value
Steps_by_unit No default value

There is no Class properties.

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