Device Server

Properties Description

Modbus Class

Revision: - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Protocol Tango::DEV_STRING RTU'' : Binary serial communication. ''TCP'' : Communication over ethernet.
Iphost Tango::DEV_STRING The host IP address used with the TCP protocol in the form aa.bb.cc.dd.
Serialline Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the serial line device used with RTU protocol. This can be any device name of a Serial Class object in the Tango system.
Address Tango::DEV_SHORT Node index used with the RTU or TCP protocol
CacheConfig Array of string Describe which data has to be cached. Each set of cached data is described by 3 parameters which are: 1 - Command to be used to read data (ReadHoldingRegisters, ReadInputStatus ReadInutRegisters or ReadMultipleCoilStatus) 2 - First address to be read 3 - Number of data to read
CacheSleep Tango::DEV_LONG Cache update thread main loop sleeping time (in ms)

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Protocol RTU
Iphost No default value
Serialline No default value
Address 1
CacheConfig No default value
CacheSleep 1000

There is no Class properties.

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