Device Server

Machine interlock device server.
Properties Description

MachineInterlock Class

Revision: Release_1_0 - Author: peru

Class Properties
Property name
Property type
UpdatePeriod Tango::DEV_SHORT The rate (in second) at which the PLC is read.

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
PlcDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING The device name of the modbus device.
LatchWord Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the address of the latch word. By default set to 9999 in order to know if there is a latch or not.
LatchBit Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the bit index in the latch word. By default set to 9999 in order to know if there is a latch or not.
LiveWord Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the address of the live word. By default set to 9999 in order to know if there is a latch or not.
LiveBit Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the bit index in the live word. By default set to 9999 in order to know if there is a latch or not.
BitLogic Tango::DEV_STRING This defines the behaviour of the logic: - If POSITIVE (default) then a 1 is OK - If NEGATIVE then a 0 is OK.
ResetAddress Tango::DEV_SHORT Address at which to write in order to reset.
ResetBit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit at which to write in order to reset.

Class Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values</td>
UpdatePeriod 2

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
PlcDeviceName No default value
LatchWord 9999
LatchBit 9999
LiveWord 9999
LiveBit 9999
ResetAddress No default value
ResetBit No default value

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