Device Server

Linac Gun High Voltage Power Supply
Properties Description

LinacGunHVPS Class

Revision: LinacGunHVPS-Release_1_0_1 - Author: vedder

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Daresbury Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the daresbury device.
HighVoltage_adc Tango::DEV_STRING ADC device to get the High Voltage.
HighVoltage_dac Tango::DEV_STRING DAC device to set the High Voltage.
Interlocks_list Array of double list of interlocks.
Offrelay Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the relay used to switch off the HVPS.
Onrelay Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the relay used to switch on the HVPS.
Pulsetime Tango::DEV_LONG Duration in milliseconds of the pulse to do on the pulsed relays.
Stateonnum Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of the interlock relay used to determine whether the device is on or not.
Statepermnum Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Daresbury relay number which indicates if the device is allowed to be switched On.
Current_adc Tango::DEV_STRING Adc device to get the HV current.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Daresbury No default value
HighVoltage_adc No default value
HighVoltage_dac No default value
Interlocks_list No default value
Offrelay No default value
Onrelay No default value
Pulsetime No default value
Stateonnum No default value
Statepermnum No default value
Current_adc No default value

There is no Class properties.

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