Device Server

Linac Modulator Auxiliary
Device Description

LinacModAux Class

Revision: Release_1_0 - Author: bourtemb - CVS repository: ESRF

This class manages the modulator auxiliaries of the Linac.

The linac is equiped with two identical modulators, supplying two klystrons with the power necessary for the two 6 meters accelerating sections, and for the buncher.
The klystrons are multicavity amplifiers.
The two modulators are “line type”with a Pulse Forming Network (PFN) short circuited by a thyratron through the primary of a pulse transformer.
The secondary of this transformer supplies the klystron cathode with a 280kV pulse.

ESRF Linac Modulator

Klystron Heating : In economy mode (standby), the voltage is reduced by 20%.

The heating time is 15mn (cold cathode) or 7 mn (economy mode).

ESRF - Software Engineering Group