Device Server

Properties Description

Linac Class

Revision: Linac-Release_2_1 - Author: vedder

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Dirname Tango::DEV_STRING The operation files for the linac will be load and saved in that directory and its subfolders.
Startfile Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the config file to be loaded at startup.
ICT_device Tango::DEV_STRING ICT device on which we could read the current used for beamstop functionality.
PCT_device Tango::DEV_STRING PCT device on which we could read the current used for beamstop functionality only if we can't read the taco resource sr/d-ct/1/name during the init. If we can read this taco resource, we will use this resource as the PCT device to be read.
Sequencer Tango::DEV_STRING Sequencer device name.
ICT_limit Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Value used at startup as SRCT limit when ct_device = ICT.
PCT_limit Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Value used at startup as SRCT limit when ct_device = PCT.
Daresbury Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the daresbury device.
Pss_interlocks_list Array of double list of pss interlocks.
Reset_devices_list Array of string List of devices to be reset when the command reset is called

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Dirname No default value
Startfile No default value
ICT_device No default value
PCT_device No default value
Sequencer No default value
ICT_limit 4.60
PCT_limit 200.0
Daresbury elin/intlk/0
Pss_interlocks_list 3.3, 5.2, 17.4
Reset_devices_list elin/master/seq

There is no Class properties.

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