Device Server

National Instruments DMM4070
Properties Description

Dmm4070 Class

Revision: - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
NiDevicename Tango::DEV_STRING This is the device name (as allocated by the NI driver).
DefaultResolution Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Default resolution value (set to 1e-4).
DefaultRange Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Default range value (expressed in volts) for DC measurement. Can take one of this values: 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0 and 300.0 Set to 10.0V
DefaultTriggerSource Tango::DEV_STRING Default trigger source value (set to external).
DefaultAcquisitionInterval Tango::DEV_LONG Default acquisition interval value (set to 8ms).

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
NiDevicename No default value
DefaultResolution 0.0001
DefaultRange 10.0
DefaultTriggerSource external
DefaultAcquisitionInterval 8

There is no Class properties.

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