Device Server

Fast steerer tango device server.
Properties Description

FastSteerer Class

Revision: - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Gescio1DevName Tango::DEV_STRING This is the device name of the associated Gescio1 device server.
HighVoltageBit Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the Gescio1 input number used to get the power supply HighVoltage state (1=ON, 0=OFF).
RemoteBit Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the Gescio1 input number used to get the power supply Remote state (1=LOCAL, 0=REMOTE).
OKBit Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the Gescio1 input number used to get the power supply state (1=OK, 0=NOT OK).
EnabledBit Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the Gescio1 input number used to get the power supply Enabled state (1=ENABLED, 0=DISABLED).
EnableCmdBit Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the GESCIO1 output number which controls the power supply (1=ENABLE, 0=DISABLE, 1-0-1=RESET).

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Gescio1DevName No default value
HighVoltageBit No default value
RemoteBit No default value
OKBit No default value
EnabledBit No default value
EnableCmdBit No default value

There is no Class properties.

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