Device Server

Keithley 2701 DMM device server
Properties Description

Keithley2701 Class

Revision: - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
IpAddress Tango::DEV_STRING The IP address of the device.
AnalogInputResistor Tango::DEV_SHORT The Keithley name for the analog input in charge of the resistor voltage measure.
AnalogInputCT Tango::DEV_SHORT The Keithley name for the analog input in charge of the CT voltage measure.
AnalogOutputCalibration Tango::DEV_SHORT The Keithley name for the analog output in charge of adjusting the calibration current.
DigitalOutput Tango::DEV_SHORT The Keithley name for the digital output in charge of the CT range setting.
DigitalInput Tango::DEV_SHORT The Keithley name for the digital input in charge of the CT range readout.
HasCalibrationHardware Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN Set to true if the extension card required for the calibration of the PCT is installed in the DMM.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
IpAddress No default value
AnalogInputResistor No default value
AnalogInputCT No default value
AnalogOutputCalibration No default value
DigitalOutput No default value
DigitalInput No default value
HasCalibrationHardware No default value

There is no Class properties.

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