Device Server

Tango TuneServer
Properties Description

TuneServer2 Class

Revision: TuneServer2-Release_1_1 - Author: verdier

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
A4395_device_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the device name that TuneServer DS should acceed for controling A4395a.
Timer1_device_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the name of the TACO device corresponding to the wrapped VDPU board.
Timer2_device_name Tango::DEV_STRING This attribute wraps a taco-controled VDPU board.
Timer3_device_name Tango::DEV_STRING This attribute wraps a taco-controled VDPU board.
Shaker_hspare_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the TACO device name of the spare of horizontal shaker.
Shaker_vspare_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the TACO device name of the spare of vertical shaker.
Shaker_device_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the TACO device name of the default shaker.
Skip_dc_storage Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN This flag allows / prohibit TuneQH and TuneQV to be written into TACO data collector. True mean do not store data into DC, false mean that values are stored.
Config_file_base_path Tango::DEV_STRING This is 'root' file base path. This string will be concatenated with parameter of loadConfigFile command, to obtain an absolute filename.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
A4395_device_name No default value
Timer1_device_name No default value
Timer2_device_name No default value
Timer3_device_name No default value
Shaker_hspare_name No default value
Shaker_vspare_name No default value
Shaker_device_name No default value
Skip_dc_storage No default value
Config_file_base_path No default value

There is no Class properties.

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