Device Server

Brehmstrahlung monitor
Properties Description

Bsm Class

Revision: V3_0 - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
ScanStartPosX Tango::DEV_FLOAT The value of the start X position of the scan.
ScanStartPosZ Tango::DEV_FLOAT The value of the start Z position of the scan.
ScanEndPosX Tango::DEV_FLOAT The value of the end X position of the scan.
ScanEndPosZ Tango::DEV_FLOAT The value of the end Z position of the scan.
ScanStepX Tango::DEV_FLOAT Increment value of the X axis.
ScanStepZ Tango::DEV_FLOAT Increment value of the Z axis.
DeviceSensor Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the device to access in order to read the Brehmstrahlung intensity value.
XBPMDevice Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the XBPM.
CurrentDS Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the machine current DS.
IdDevice Tango::DEV_STRING Associated insertion device device name.
HDBdevname Tango::DEV_STRING The device used to access HDB.
HDBdevprefix Tango::DEV_STRING The prefix of the signal name.
MaxNbRead Tango::DEV_SHORT Max number of read attempts before aborting a scan.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
ScanStartPosX No default value
ScanStartPosZ No default value
ScanEndPosX No default value
ScanEndPosZ No default value
ScanStepX No default value
ScanStepZ No default value
DeviceSensor No default value
XBPMDevice No default value
CurrentDS No default value
IdDevice No default value
HDBdevname No default value
HDBdevprefix No default value
MaxNbRead No default value

There is no Class properties.

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