Device Server

Properties Description

Mastersource Class

Revision: - Author: goetz

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Gpib_device_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the name used to find device on the gpib bus. It's configured on the gpiboard with the ibconf application.
Default_frequency Tango::DEV_LONG default base mastersource frequency.
Default_level Tango::DEV_FLOAT default mastersource amplitude.
Max_level Tango::DEV_FLOAT Mastersource max amplitude.
Min_level Tango::DEV_FLOAT Mastersource minimium amplitude.
Gpib_device_address Tango::DEV_SHORT
HdbAccessDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING This proprety should contains device name of a server able to push data into the HDB taco database (usually HdbAccess class).
Hdb_signal_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the name of the signal associated with mastersource frequency. This property is used with hdbAccess server.
Hdb_storage_frequency Tango::DEV_LONG This is the frequency, in seconds, of mastersource frequency storage in HDB.
Gpib_board_name Tango::DEV_STRING This is the name of the enet/100 board on which the device is plugged.
Hdb_storage_flag Tango::DEV_SHORT If !=0 this flag mean that we should store in HDB. 0 means do not store data in HDB.
Dev_get_sig_config_field2 Tango::DEV_STRING What is return by dev_get_sig_config, a string array, at index [1]. It seems to be a command name to set the value of the signal.
Dev_get_sig_config_field14 Tango::DEV_STRING What is return by dev_get_sig_config, a string array, at index [13]. It seems to be the signal name.
Mult_factor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE This factor is used when Mastersources are coupled with frequency multipliers. This allow tango server to display multiplied frequency. Ex: Linac mastersource need frequency about 3Ghz. SMG mastersource allows a 1Ghz Max frequency. That's why mastersource is coupled with a x3 freq multiplier. With the multiplicator_factor, the server applies (val / Mult_factor) or (val Mult_factor) on Write/Read operations. The client don't need to do it himself anymore, it's done on server side.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Gpib_device_name No default value
Default_frequency No default value
Default_level No default value
Max_level No default value
Min_level No default value
Gpib_device_address No default value
HdbAccessDeviceName No default value
Hdb_signal_name No default value
Hdb_storage_frequency No default value
Gpib_board_name No default value
Hdb_storage_flag No default value
Dev_get_sig_config_field2 No default value
Dev_get_sig_config_field14 No default value
Mult_factor No default value

There is no Class properties.

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