Device Server

SY Tune Monitor
Properties Description

SyTune Class

Revision: SyTune-Release_2_1 - Author: meyer

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
TunePoints Tango::DEV_LONG The number of tunes to be calculated for an acceleration cycle.
FftPoints Tango::DEV_LONG The number of data values to calculate the FFT from.
BorderExclusion Tango::DEV_LONG The number of values to exclude from the border of the spectrum before searching the maximum.
PeakPoints Tango::DEV_LONG The number of points around the maximum to be used to do the fitting.
FittingAlgorithm Tango::DEV_STRING The algorithm to be used to fit the maximum peak froung in the spectrum. Parabol = linear fitting algorithm. A parabula is fitted to the peak. Gauss = non-linear algorithm. A gaussian is fitted to the peak.
ShakerDevice Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the shaker device to be used.
HorizontalLiberaDevice Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the Libera BPM device to be used for data acquisition in the horizontal plane.
VerticalLiberaDevice Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the Libera BPM device to be used for data acquisition in the vertical plane.
RfAmpliDevice Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the RF power amplifier to be used.
TimerDevice Tango::DEV_STRING Nane of the delay line device to be used

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
TunePoints 50
FftPoints 1024
BorderExclusion 20
PeakPoints 3
FittingAlgorithm gauss
ShakerDevice No default value
HorizontalLiberaDevice No default value
VerticalLiberaDevice No default value
RfAmpliDevice No default value
TimerDevice No default value

There is no Class properties.

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