Transfer Efficiency
Device Description

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One device handles one CUB card and its’ mezzanine card.

The server communicates to the card thanks to CUB linux device driver (see: /segfs/linux/drivers/cubdrv/v0.3/doc), and actually does not work with interrupt handling but make polling instead.

The incoming data from the Machine timing can come at 1 Hz or 10 Hz, therefore the polling rate has been set to 50 milli-seconds. Internal to the device server the polling is handled by a thread.


1.     CUB card interface


Only the IMBs and OMBs registers (see: AMCC documentation) of the CUB card are used to communicates and are assigned like the following:

q       OMB1:            Not used

q       OMB2:            Bits 3-0:           Interlock value

Bit  4:               Interlock sign

q       OMB3:            Bits 15-0:         SR2 Convolution window delay (16 bits unsigned)

Bits  23-16:      SR1 Convolution window delay (8 bits unsigned)

Bits  31-24:      TL2  Convolution window delay (8 bits unsigned)

q       OMB4:            Bits  6-0:          Analog Input 1 value  (7 bits unsigned)

Bit2 14-8:         Analog Input 2 value (7 bits unsigned)  

Bit2 19-16:       Analog Input 3 value (4 bits unsigned)  

Bit2 30-24:       Analog Input 4 value (7 bits unsigned)  


q       IMB1:              Bits 15-0:         SR2 – SR1 (16 bits signed)     

Bits 31-16:       Empty

q       IMB2:              Bits 15-0:         TL2 Load (16 bits signed)

Bits 31-16:       TL2 * TL2  (16 bits unsigned)

q       IMB3:              Bits 15-0:         Current  Average (16 bits unsigned)

Bits 31-16:       Current Delta (16 bits signed)

q       IMB4:              Card Status Register

·        Bit  0:   Overflow Analog Input 1 (reserved)

·        Bit  1:   Overflow Analog Input 2

·        Bit  2:   Overflow Analog Input 3

·        Bit  3:   Overflow Analog Input 4 (reserved)

·        Bit  4:   Interlock relay 1

·        Bit  5:   Interlock relay 2 (reserved)

·        Bit  6:   Injection mode

·        Bit  14:    Can’t read IMBs registers  (added by software)        

·        Bit  15:    Software detect an overrun ( added by software)

·        Bit  16-23:   Synchronisation counter. This counter is incremented by one when new data arrives.  The polling thread checks this value. If the value is the same than the previous one, there is no new data. If the value has  been incremented by more than one, that means that the software has lost data, therefore an error is reported in bit 15 on the status register.

·        Bit  24:             Power supplies status




2.     Internal data organisation, commands and attribute data return format.


When the polling thread detects that a new set of data is valid, it read all the raw data from the CUB card (see definition above), calculates some results and store them in an internal circular buffer. This buffer can be read by the commands DevReadValues() or DevReadLastValue() and also with the Data attribute. The DevReadValues() command and read attribut Data returns all the acquired data and discard them, therefore the client should paid attention if the two reading methods are used at the same time.

If the client does not read enough faster the oldest values are destroyed.


The DevReadLastValue() command read only the last acquired data set and the data are not discarded.


The internal organisation and also the data organisation format returned form that commands and attribute are the following:


            [0]:        CUB status:                 Read from CUB +  Bits 14 and 15 added from the device server

            [1]:        SR2 - SR1:                 Extracted  from CUB  IMB1 -LSW

 [2]:       TL2 * TL2:                 Extracted  from CUB  IMB2 -LSW

 [3]:       TL2 Load:                   Extracted  from CUB  IMB2 -MSW

       [4]:      Current Average           Extracted  from CUB  IMB3 -LSW

             [5]:      Current Delta                Extracted  from CUB  IMB3 -MSW

 [6]:      Averaged Current         Delta  Value averaged on the N last  values (N=120 per default)

[7]:       Transfer Efficiency * 1000000   Calculated with: (SR2minusSR1 * CalibrationFactor) / TL2multTL2. With CalibrationFactor equal 1.0 at the moment.

             [8]:      - In injection mode at 10 Hz:  Averaged Transfer Efficiency * 1000000

- In injection mode at  1 Hz:  Transfer Efficiency calculated with the max of  TL2 * TL2 and SR2-SR1 of the last N values (N=10 per default)

                        - In Lifetime mode: Empty

             [9]:  Lifetime * 1000000 in Lifetime mode. Otherwise empty

             [10]:  Max of TL2 * TL2 in Injection mode at 1 Hz. Otherwise empty

             [11]:  SR2 - SR1 corresponding to the max of TL2 * TL2 in Injection mode at 1 Hz. Otherwise empty



3.     Errors handling


The device server memorise the errors and warnings occurring during the run time. These errors are cumulated and returned when the DevStatus() command is issued in the form of a sting like the following one:  “WARNING: OVERRUN, OVF CH2, OVF CH4”.

These errors are reset by this command.