Device Server

Transfer Efficiency
Properties Description

XfrEff Class

Revision: - Author: epaud

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
DeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING This is the CUB device name in the form "/dev/cub01". This resource is absolutly mandatory, otherwise the server exits on ERROR
InterlockLevel Tango::DEV_LONG Level of the interlock handled by the CUB mezanine
TL2_delay Tango::DEV_LONG Convolution window delay for TL2
SRN_delay Tango::DEV_LONG Convolution window delay for SRN
SR0_delay Tango::DEV_LONG Convolution window delay for SR0
SR_Gain Tango::DEV_LONG Analog Input 1 gain
A2_Gain Tango::DEV_LONG Analog Input 2 Gain
TL2_Gain Tango::DEV_LONG Analog Input 3 gain
B2_Gain Tango::DEV_LONG Analog Input 4 Gain
TL2_CalibFactor_Low_Gain Tango::DEV_DOUBLE TL2 , SR Calibration Factors
VirtexFilepath Tango::DEV_STRING This is the name of the virtex file to be downloaded to the CUB hardware
FillingMode Tango::DEV_STRING This property can take many predefined values and is used to select which parameter set will be used to initialised the hardware.
A parameters set is composed of the TL2, SRN, SR0 delays and the Analog Inputs 1 to 4 (AI1 to AI4) gains.
The values of the property must be:
"default": use a defalut parameters sets
"user-defined-1", "user-defined-2", "user-defined-3": These are 3 sets of parameters which can be used when a new filling mode requires dedicated parameters.
"fromMachStat": In that case the filling mode is extracted from the "SYS/MACHSTAT/TANGO" device. If it is not accessible the "default" parameters set is taken instead.
The many possible filling modes are grouped in common parameters set: "uniform", "1-bunch" , "16-32bunch" , "third" , "hybrid".
InjectionMode Tango::DEV_STRING Machine Injection Mode. Should be "1Hz" or "10Hz"
SRN_Width Tango::DEV_LONG SRN window width

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
DeviceName No default value
InterlockLevel No default value
TL2_delay No default value
SRN_delay No default value
SR0_delay No default value
SR_Gain No default value
A2_Gain No default value
TL2_Gain No default value
B2_Gain No default value
TL2_CalibFactor_Low_Gain No default value
VirtexFilepath No default value
FillingMode No default value
InjectionMode No default value
SRN_Width No default value

There is no Class properties.

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