Device Server

Wave Master Control
Properties Description

WaveMaster Class

Revision: Release_2_1 - Author: verdier

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
DeviceAddress Tango::DEV_STRING The WaveMaster IP address.
RemoteDevice Tango::DEV_SHORT Zero if local (device server running on WaveMaster host).
AcquisitionPeriod Tango::DEV_LONG Time to wait between clear_sweep and read values in seconds.
PanelSetup Tango::DEV_SHORT Panel Setup number used at startup.
HdbDevice Tango::DEV_STRING Hdb push data device name.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
DeviceAddress No default value
RemoteDevice No default value
AcquisitionPeriod 60
PanelSetup No default value
HdbDevice No default value

There is no Class properties.

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