Device Server

Beamloss device server
Properties Description

Beamloss Class

Revision: - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
WagoDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING The device name of the associated Wago device.
DetectorType Tango::DEV_STRING Determines the type of detector ("BLD1", "BLD2", "BREMS" or "IG5").
BldGains Array of double
BldCoefficients Array of double
BremsGain Tango::DEV_DOUBLE
BremsOffset Tango::DEV_DOUBLE
CalibrationFactor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Used for IG5 dose rate calculation.
TestVoltageValue Tango::DEV_DOUBLE This is the voltage value which is applied when the TestOn command is issued.
BldOffsets Array of double
AutoRangeMinRawValue Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Minimum raw value used for auto range feature.
AutoRangeMaxRawValue Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Maximum raw value used for auto range feature.
AutoRangeWaitTime Tango::DEV_LONG Waiting time (expressed in seconds) for auto range feature.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
WagoDeviceName No default value
DetectorType No default value
BldGains 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.
BldCoefficients 1, 3, 9, 27, 81
BremsGain 1.
BremsOffset 0.
CalibrationFactor 3.0e11
TestVoltageValue No default value
BldOffsets 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.
AutoRangeMinRawValue 0.2
AutoRangeMaxRawValue 9.0
AutoRangeWaitTime 60

There is no Class properties.

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