Device Server

eleta encoder driving
Properties Description

Encoder Class

Revision: Release_1_0 - Author: penel

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Line Tango::DEV_STRING serial line device name ex : " id/ser/i7"
Steps_by_unit Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of encoder steps for a unit (ex : 10000)
Direction Tango::DEV_SHORT The rotation direction ( +1 or -1)
Steps_at_ref Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of step read at ref position ( ex typical 500000 )
Pos_at_ref Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Position at reference in mm ( ex 480 ; this position is the position return when the encoder return step_at_ref)
Max_char_in_buff Tango::DEV_SHORT The Max number of caractere allowed in the serial line buffer. If this number is reach then the encoder goes in FAULT state. Status signal Buffer OVERLOAD

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Line No default value
Steps_by_unit No default value
Direction No default value
Steps_at_ref No default value
Pos_at_ref No default value
Max_char_in_buff No default value

There is no Class properties.

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