Device Server

Properties Description

AdcMotor Class

Revision: AdcMotor-Release_1_4_0 - Author: bourtemb

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Motor_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the associated motor object.
Adc_name Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the associated adc device.
Trust Tango::DEV_STRING MOTOR --> trust on the motor counter. SENSOR --> trust on the adc value read.
Open_pos Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Open position. When the motor is at that position, the state will be Tango::OPEN.
Close_pos Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Close position. When the motor is at that position, the state will be Tango::CLOSE.
Tolerance Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Tolerance on the position measured leading to a Tango::ALARM state. This tolerance is also used to determine if we are in Tango::OPEN or Tango::CLOSE states. Set by default to 10 motor steps.
Calibrated Tango::DEV_SHORT When this property is different from 0, the motor is considered as calibrated and a certain number of attributes cannot be changed anymore. (e.g. close_pos and open_pos) The goal is to avoid undesired change when the calibration process has been performed.
Nbretries Tango::DEV_SHORT Number of retries to perform after a movement if the position given by the sensor is too different from the wanted position. (Only if trust=SENSOR).
VSensor_adc_name Tango::DEV_STRING adc device name for the VSensor Attribute.
Alarm_motor_sensor Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN if TRUST = SENSOR alarm_motor_sensor = true => the device is on alarm if there is Too much difference between the value given by the adc and the position given by the motor. alarm_motor_sensor = false => there is no alarm if there is too much difference between the value given by the adc and the position given by the motor.
Time_before_retry Tango::DEV_LONG Time in seconds after the last movement to wait before the next retry when trust = SENSOR.
Min_vsensor_authorized Tango::DEV_DOUBLE If the VSensor attribute (voltage given to the potentiometer) is under that value, any movement will be forbidden if trust = sensor.
Max_vsensor_authorized Tango::DEV_DOUBLE If the VSensor attribute (voltage given to the potentiometer) is above or equal to that value, any movement will be forbidden if trust = sensor.
Poszero Tango::DEV_DOUBLE 0V read on the sensor (potentiometer) will correspond to that position.
Posmax Tango::DEV_DOUBLE The maximum possible value of the potentiometer (<=> VSensor value) will correspond to that position.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Motor_name No default value
Adc_name No default value
Trust No default value
Open_pos No default value
Close_pos No default value
Tolerance No default value
Calibrated No default value
Nbretries No default value
VSensor_adc_name No default value
Alarm_motor_sensor No default value
Time_before_retry 0
Min_vsensor_authorized 9.0
Max_vsensor_authorized 10.0
Poszero 0
Posmax 10

There is no Class properties.

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