Device Server

Paragon Stepper Motor
Properties Description

Paragon Class

Revision: Paragon-Release_2_0 - Author: vedder

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Serialline Tango::DEV_STRING Serial line device to access the motor controller.
Channel Tango::DEV_SHORT Channel number for the motor on the controller. Number between 1 and 6.
Limit_switches Tango::DEV_STRING Limit switches can be 'enabled' or 'disabled'.
Acceleration Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Motor Acceleration
Steps_per_unit Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Motors steps per unit of the position value. Position might have a unit as: mm, um, rad, mrad....
Velocity Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Constant velocity of the motor
Current Tango::DEV_LONG Current to drive motor in
Micro_stepping Tango::DEV_LONG Multiplies the steps/tr of the motor by the micro_stepping value.
Backlash Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Backlash to be applied with every motor movement.
Encoder_present Tango::DEV_SHORT The motor position is read either in motor steps (=0) or in encoder steps (=1).
Encoder_input Tango::DEV_SHORT Refer to Paragon stepper drive user's guide. 9=step/dir, 1=cw/ccw, 2=quad ABZ, default=2
Encoder_resolution Tango::DEV_LONG Resolution of the encoder connected to the axe.
Home_switch_edge Tango::DEV_STRING The reference edge of the home switch to be used for the home positioning. The value can either be the rising edge (+) or falling edge (-).
Home_switch_type Tango::DEV_SHORT The home switch used can be normally in a open = 0 or a closed = 1 position.
Home_search_direction Tango::DEV_STRING Direction to search for the home switch + or -.
Home_mode Tango::DEV_SHORT The mode determines what happens when the specified edge of the home switch is encountered: See the stepper drive user guide for a detailed description
Home_position Tango::DEV_DOUBLE The position value to be applied to the motor in the home position.
Posmain Tango::DEV_STRING Position mainenanace can be \"enabled\" or \"disabled\".
Posmain_deadband_range Tango::DEV_LONG The dead band range is measured in encoder counts as a +/- band. A dead band of 10 will be 20 units wide
Posmain_settle_time Tango::DEV_LONG Time in milliseconds the indexer will wait after a motion, before doing a feedback.
Calibrated Tango::DEV_SHORT When this property is different from 0, the motor is considered as calibrated and a certain number of attributes cannot be changed anymore.( e.g. step_per_unit) The goal is to avoid undesired change when the calibratiuon process has been performed.
Position Tango::DEV_DOUBLE The last position value saved to the database by the server. Must be written to the controller on start-up.
Auto_numbering Tango::DEV_STRING Defines if the controller is configured to accept the auto numbering. This feature is only available with RS232 controlled devices. This property is set by default to \"ON\" in the code of the server. It should be set to \"OFF\" to disable it.
BrakeMask Tango::DEV_STRING This is a string representing the mask to be applied to the output bits in order to activate or de-activate the brake mechanism. All the bits set to 'x' will not be changed, only the bit set to '1'.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Serialline No default value
Channel No default value
Limit_switches enabled
Acceleration 10
Steps_per_unit 1
Velocity 1
Current 50
Micro_stepping 20
Backlash 0
Encoder_present 0
Encoder_input 2
Encoder_resolution 1
Home_switch_edge +
Home_switch_type 0
Home_search_direction -
Home_mode 2
Home_position 0
Posmain disabled
Posmain_deadband_range 0
Posmain_settle_time 0
Calibrated 0
Position No default value
Auto_numbering No default value

There is no Class properties.

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