Device Server

Slits using paragon motors
Properties Description

ParagonSlit Class

Revision: - Author: meyer

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Up_axis_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the axis driving the upper jaw
Down_axis_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the axis driving the lower jaw
Int_axis_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the axis driving the internal jaw
Ext_axis_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the axis driving the external jaw
Open_vgap Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the vertical gap for the open position
Open_hgap Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the horizontal gap for the open position
Open_voffset Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the vertical offset for the open position
Open_hoffset Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the horizontal offset for the open position
Nominal_vgap Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the vertical gap for nominal position
Nominal_hgap Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the horizontal gap for the nominal position
Nominal_voffset Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the vertical offset for the nominal position
Nominal_hoffset Tango::DEV_DOUBLE value of the horizontal offset for the nominal position
Wago_name Tango::CONST_DEV_STRING name of the wago controller controlling the absolute encoders
Up_enc_module Tango::DEV_SHORT module of the vertical top encoder
Down_enc_module Tango::DEV_SHORT
Int_enc_module Tango::DEV_SHORT
Ext_enc_module Tango::DEV_SHORT
Enc_resolution Tango::DEV_LONG absolute encoder resolution in step per mm

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Up_axis_name No default value
Down_axis_name No default value
Int_axis_name No default value
Ext_axis_name No default value
Open_vgap No default value
Open_hgap No default value
Open_voffset No default value
Open_hoffset No default value
Nominal_vgap No default value
Nominal_hgap No default value
Nominal_voffset No default value
Nominal_hoffset No default value
Wago_name No default value
Up_enc_module No default value
Down_enc_module No default value
Int_enc_module No default value
Ext_enc_module No default value
Enc_resolution No default value

There is no Class properties.

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