Device Server

Motorization of a quadripole
Properties Description

QpoleMotorization Class

Revision: Release_1_0 - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
ReductorRatio Tango::DEV_LONG Ratio of the reductor installed for each motor.
StepByTurn Tango::DEV_LONG Number of steps by turn of the motor.
MotorUpInDevName Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the upstream in motor.
MotorUpOutDevName Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the upstream out motor.
MotorDownInDevName Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the downstream in motor.
MotorDownOutDevName Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the downstream out motor.
MotorMiddleDevName Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the middle motor.
CommonEccentricity Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Eccentricity common to the up and down motor groups.
MiddleEccentricity Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Eccentricity of the middle motor.
MotorUpInHomeCor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Correction of the home motor angle (expressed in steps).
MotorUpOutHomeCor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Correction of the home motor angle (expressed in steps).
MotorDownInHomeCor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Correction of the home motor angle (expressed in steps).
MotorDownOutHomeCor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Correction of the home motor angle (expressed in steps).
MotorMiddleHomeCor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Correction of the home motor angle (expressed in steps).

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
ReductorRatio 100
StepByTurn 200
MotorUpInDevName No default value
MotorUpOutDevName No default value
MotorDownInDevName No default value
MotorDownOutDevName No default value
MotorMiddleDevName No default value
CommonEccentricity 2.1
MiddleEccentricity 1.2
MotorUpInHomeCor No default value
MotorUpOutHomeCor No default value
MotorDownInHomeCor No default value
MotorDownOutHomeCor No default value
MotorMiddleHomeCor No default value

There is no Class properties.

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