Device Server

Tango class for VpapMotor board
Properties Description

VpapMotor Class

Revision: V1_3 - Author: chaize

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Calibrated Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN When this property is different from 0, the motor is considered as calibrated and a certain number of attributes cannot be changed anymore.( e.g. step_per_unit) The goal is to avoid undesired change when the calibratiuon process has been performed.
Inode_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the board descriptor. (e.g. /dev/vsm0)
Channel Tango::DEV_SHORT channel number. (between 1 to 8)
Powerdriver Tango::DEV_STRING type of power driver used. It can be DPAP or ADAS
Init_enable Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN define if the motor should be powered at server startup
HomePolarity Tango::DEV_SHORT define the polarity of the home switch. (-1 or +1). from this polarity, the command GoHome will go in a direction or another
Inertia_delay Tango::DEV_LONG the minimum time to wait between a request for movment and the effective starting of the motor. This delay is by default 100 usec for light masses but should be increased if the mass in movment is heavy. (expressed in microseconds)
Auto_off Tango::DEV_USHORT if specified, the motor will be automatically switched OFF few minute after the end of last movment. The value of the property define the number of minutes ) means no auto_off

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Calibrated false
Inode_name /dev/vsm0
Channel 1
Powerdriver DPAP
Init_enable true
HomePolarity 1
Inertia_delay 100
Auto_off 0

There is no Class properties.

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