Device Server

Bumper powersupply
Properties Description

Bumper Class

Revision: Bumper-Release_1_0 - Author: bourtemb

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Din_device Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the device used to get the state of the powersupply.
Adc_device Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the ADC device used to read the voltage.
Dac_device Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the DAC device used to set the voltage on the powersupply.
Min_authorised_current Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Minimum current in Amps authorised. If the user tries to set a current value below this minimum authorised, the minimum authorised current will be set on the powersupply.
OffVref Tango::DEV_DOUBLE The Voltage applied on the dac will be computed as follow: Vref = OffVref + LinVref * CurrentSetValue
LinVref Tango::DEV_DOUBLE The Voltage applied on the dac will be computed as follow: Vref = OffVref + LinVref * CurrentSetValue
Channel Tango::DEV_USHORT Bumper power supply channel B1 => channel = 1 B2 => channel = 2 B3 => channel = 3
Dout_device Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the device used to change the state of the powersupply. The server will send ON, OFF and RESET commands to the powersupply via this device.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Din_device No default value
Adc_device No default value
Dac_device No default value
Min_authorised_current 70.0
OffVref 0.0
LinVref 0.01
Channel 1
Dout_device No default value

There is no Class properties.

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