Device Server

ocem septum powersupply control
Properties Description

OcemPS Class

Revision: - Author: chaize

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Set_gain Tango::DEV_DOUBLE the current setpoint sent to the powersupply (setval) is equal to val = desired_current_in_A * set_gain + set_offset
Set_offset Tango::DEV_DOUBLE the current setpoint sent to the powersupply (setval) is equal to val = desired_current_in_A * set_gain + set_offset
Read_gain Tango::DEV_DOUBLE the current readpoint in A (Current) is equal to Current = read_from_PS * read_gain + read_offset
Read_offset Tango::DEV_DOUBLE the current readpoint in A (Current) is equal to Current = read_from_PS * read_gain + read_offset
Serialline Tango::DEV_STRING name of the serial line object on which the powersupply is connected

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Set_gain 0.5
Set_offset -25
Read_gain 2.5
Read_offset 50
Serialline /dev/ttyI1

There is no Class properties.

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