Device Server

Vertical Kicker
Properties Description

Kicker_v Class

Revision: Kicker_v-Release_1_8 - Author: bourtemb

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Discharge_time Tango::DEV_SHORT time in second necessary for HVPS to discharge before being disabled
Gescio_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the gescio1 device
Adcvpfn_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the adc device for reading the vpfn
ICharger Tango::DEV_DOUBLE default value of the setpoint for I charger.
Adcich_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the device to read the I charger
Adcimag_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the device to read the I magnet
Icharger_gain Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of mA per Volt in the DAC
Vpfn_gain Tango::DEV_DOUBLE number of KV per Volt in the DAC
Dacvpfn_name Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the device to set the VPFN.
Dacich_name Tango::DEV_STRING name of the device to set the I charger
Local_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to know if the power supply is in local or remote control.
Aux_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to know if the auxiliaries are on or off.
Hv_enable_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to know whether or not the High Voltage is enabled.
Hvpson_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to know whether the HVPS is on or off.
Trigon_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to know whether the trig is on or off
Interlock_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to know whether or not there is an external interlock.
Outputrange_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to know the outputrange (2 kV or 10 kV)
Cmd_aux_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to command the auxiliaries
Cmd_hve_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to command the HV enable
Cmd_hvoff_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to switch off the HV
Cmd_hvon_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to switch on the HV
Cmd_trigoff_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to switch off the trig
Cmd_trigon_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to switch on the trig
Cmd_outputrange_bit Tango::DEV_SHORT Bit on the Gescio to change the outputrange 0 --> 10 kV 1 --> 2 kV

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Discharge_time 10
Gescio_name sy/ps-gescio1/v-kicker
Adcvpfn_name sy/ps-incaa/vk-vpfn
ICharger 0
Adcich_name sy/ps-incaa/vk-ich
Adcimag_name sy/ps-incaa/vk-imag
Icharger_gain 6
Vpfn_gain 2
Dacvpfn_name sy/ps-gesdac/vk-vpfn
Dacich_name sy/ps-incaa/vk-imag
Local_bit 0
Aux_bit 1
Hv_enable_bit 2
Hvpson_bit 3
Trigon_bit 4
Interlock_bit 5
Outputrange_bit 7
Cmd_aux_bit 0
Cmd_hve_bit 1
Cmd_hvoff_bit 2
Cmd_hvon_bit 3
Cmd_trigoff_bit 4
Cmd_trigon_bit 5
Cmd_outputrange_bit 6

There is no Class properties.

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