Device Server

ESRF BunchClock device server
Properties Description

BunchClock Class

Revision: BunchClock-Release_1_1 - Author: kolozhva

Class Properties
Property name
Property type
Icv196_timeout Tango::DEV_LONG Timeout in ms used when waiting for the injection and extraction signals. -1 => wait forever.

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Icv196_timeout Tango::DEV_LONG Timeout in ms used when waiting for the injection and extraction signals. -1 => wait forever.
Board_pathname Tango::DEV_STRING VME board (ICV196) pathname
Syn_inj Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN Value of the Sin_inj attribute at startup. true => synchronous injection false => asynchronous injection
Syn_ext Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN Value of the Syn_ext attribute at init. true => synchronous extraction false => asynchronous extraction
Ext_compensation Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN Value of the Ext_compensation attribute at init. true => bit mod1 of the control register = 1 => extraction compensation enabled false => bit mod1 of the control register = 0 => extraction compensation disabled
Output_pulses Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN Value of the Output_pulses attribute at init. true => pulses enabled - Bit 6 (inh) of the control register = 1 false =>pulses disabled - Bit 6 (inh) of the control register = 0
Bunch_list Array of short Bunch list loaded at start-up of the device server.

Class Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values</td>
Icv196_timeout 1000

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Icv196_timeout 1000
Board_pathname /dev/icv1
Syn_inj true
Syn_ext true
Ext_compensation false
Output_pulses true
Bunch_list 0

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