Device Server

Machine Status
Properties Description


Revision: REL1_0 - Author: pons

Class Properties
Property name
Property type
Python_path Tango::DEV_STRING Path where phyton sequence are located
Log_path Tango::DEV_STRING Path where are logged alarm and fault.

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Devices Array of string List of sub device needed to compute the global state
Voice_warning_message Tango::DEV_STRING Message sent to the speaker when the global state is ALARM
Voice_fault_message Tango::DEV_STRING Message sent to the speaker when the global state is FAULT
Python_seq Tango::DEV_STRING name of the python sequence used to translate sub device states
Voice_state Tango::DEV_SHORT Tell if messages must be sent to the speaker (0 or 1
Inhibited Array of short To inhibit devices in the devices list. one (0 or 1) per device
Voice_dev Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the speaker device
Label Tango::DEV_STRING Label for the alarm device
Voice_unknown_message Tango::DEV_STRING Message sent to the speaker when the global state is UNKNOWN

Class Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values</td>
Python_path No default value
Log_path No default value

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Devices No default value
Voice_warning_message No default value
Voice_fault_message No default value
Python_seq No default value
Voice_state No default value
Inhibited No default value
Voice_dev No default value
Label No default value
Voice_unknown_message No default value

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