Device Server

store server
Properties Description

StoreServer Class

Revision: StoreServer-Release_2_3 - Author: meyer

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
AttributeList Array of string The property is a list of attributes. For those attributes the values will be stored in HDB. An precision can be given for every attribute. If the values changes more than the precision value, the attribute value is stored. The data format is: ID23/motor/1/Position:0.01, ID23/motor/1/Accelaration:50%, ID23/motor/2/Position:0.1
StateList Array of string The property is a list of device names. For those devices the state will be stored in HDB
HDB_config_device Tango::DEV_STRING HDB configuration device to create new entries in HDB
HDB_store_device Tango::DEV_STRING Device to send data to be stored into HDB.
Update_rate Tango::DEV_LONG The time in seconds when the actual values are wtitten to HDB. The values updated without checking for changes. The default value is 3600 seconds.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
AttributeList No default value
StateList No default value
HDB_config_device No default value
HDB_store_device No default value
Update_rate No default value

There is no Class properties.

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