Device Server

Premium PLC Vacuum Valve
Properties Description

PLCvacuumValve Class

Revision: V2-1 - Author: peru

Class Properties
Property name
Property type
ValvesOffset Tango::DEV_SHORT Address in the PLC where valves data start.
ValveDataSize Tango::DEV_SHORT Number of bits dedicated for one valve.
UpdatePeriod Tango::DEV_SHORT Time for a data to be re-read in seconds.

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
PLCdevname Tango::DEV_STRING PLC device name.
ValveNumber Tango::DEV_SHORT The valve number in read data.
InterlockStrings Array of string This property (array of strings) is used to build the state of the valve when there is an interlock condition.
StateStrings Array of string This property (array of strings) is used to build the state of the valve.
IsManual Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN indicates if the valve is a manual valve. If this property is True, the commands Open and Close will trig an exception and the interlock bits will not be checked;
DeviceType Tango::DEV_STRING this property allows to define a set of default interlock messages when the property ValveNumber is not specified. There is 2 different default type: StorageRing or BeamLine. if this resource is not specified, the default value will be StorageRing.
Type Tango::DEV_STRING This defines the device type (valve, beamshutter or moveableabsorber).
Location Tango::DEV_SHORT Relative abcisse of the valve in the cell.

Class Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values</td>
ValvesOffset No default value
ValveDataSize No default value
UpdatePeriod No default value

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
PLCdevname No default value
ValveNumber No default value
InterlockStrings No default value
StateStrings No default value
IsManual No default value
DeviceType No default value
Type valve
Location 10

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