Device Server

Vacuum temperature new generation device server.
Properties Description

VacTemperature Class

Revision: Release_2_0 - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
WagoDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING The device name of the thermocouple controler.
HdbAccessDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING
HdbMaxDelay Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the delay (expressed in seconds) after which a value of temperature will be stored to HDB, will it be required or not.
HdbSignalPrefix Tango::DEV_STRING
HdbConfigDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING
HdbRelativeChange Tango::DEV_DOUBLE If the difference between past and present temperature values reaches this value then the temperature value will be stored to HDB.
FillingModeAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
WagoDeviceName No default value
HdbAccessDeviceName No default value
HdbMaxDelay 1800
HdbSignalPrefix No default value
HdbConfigDeviceName SYS/HDB-CONFIG/1
HdbRelativeChange 2.0
FillingModeAttributeName SYS/MACHSTAT/TANGO/Filling_mode_id

There is no Class properties.

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