Device Server

Vacuum temperature device server.
Properties Description

VacTemperature Class

Revision: Release_3_0 - Author: peru

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
WagoDevice Tango::DEV_STRING This string should contain the device name of the associate wago. Example: sr/plc-modbus/c29-wago
Name_addr Tango::DEV_USHORT Labels list address in wago's memory.
Setpoint_addr Tango::DEV_USHORT setpoint address in wago's memory.
Temp_addr Tango::DEV_USHORT temperatures address in wago's memory.
Alarm_addr Tango::DEV_USHORT Alarms address in wago's memory.
Thermocouple_nbr_addr Tango::DEV_USHORT Address on wago where to read thermocouple number.
Location_addr Tango::DEV_USHORT Location of the array containing array of ...thermocouple location from the beginning of the cell.
HdbAccessDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING This proprety should contains device name of a server able to push data into the HDB taco database (usually HdbAccess class
HdbSignalPrefix Tango::DEV_STRING This property is used to retreive signals name in hdb. Signals are built like this: hdbSignalPrefix + label. ex: If hdbSignalPrefix is: sr/v-th/c27-wago, attribute with label set to 'Ther-1' then data relative to this label is stored in hdb with the signal name : 'sr/v-th/c27-wago/Ther-1
RelativeChange Tango::DEV_DOUBLE This property is the minimum % between previous stored value and new value required to store new value in HDB. For example, if relative change is 5(%) values greater or lower by 5% from reference are stored in HDB.
HdbMaxDelay Tango::DEV_LONG This is the max delay in seconds between two storage in HDB. If Thermo are constants, they wont be store on RelativeChange. So force storage every hdbMaxDelay. Unit is SECONDS
HdbExceptNoRetry Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the number of save (in hdb) to skip, in case of hdb-storage exception. This is done to avoid retries on each polling period and kill hdb-push server. With a polling period of 1000ms, a value of 10 will try every 10 second to store data.
Error_code_address Tango::DEV_USHORT Error code in wago's memory.
Skip_hdb_storage Tango::DEV_SHORT If this property is different of 0, the device server won't save data in HDB.
HdbConfigDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the device server used to configure HDB (creation of new entries when required).
DerivativeDelay Tango::DEV_SHORT This is the delay (expressed in seconds) between the present and the previous value used for the derivative calculation.

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
WagoDevice No default value
Name_addr No default value
Setpoint_addr No default value
Temp_addr No default value
Alarm_addr No default value
Thermocouple_nbr_addr No default value
Location_addr No default value
HdbAccessDeviceName No default value
HdbSignalPrefix No default value
RelativeChange No default value
HdbMaxDelay No default value
HdbExceptNoRetry No default value
Error_code_address No default value
Skip_hdb_storage No default value
HdbConfigDeviceName sys/hdb-config/1
DerivativeDelay 10

There is no Class properties.

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